IMPACT Incubator

90 Days to a top-tier sales team!

Imagine a highly skilled and profitable sales team generating $120,000 per month per person: without the hassle of hiring, managing, or training.

© Impact Sales Management. All rights reserved.

Watch the video to learn about our Done-for-You Process

If you are the owner of a business coaching or consulting offer:Are you...
- Struggling to gain sales traction
- Selling your program yourself because you can't find the right sales people
- Hiring recruiters and spending time and money training sales people that don't perform
- Struggling to take your sales team to the next level
- Lacking the time and the desire to lead your sales team
Is your sales team...
- Closing less than 20% of deals
- Producing <$100,000 per month per person
- Burned out with high turnover

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